January 20, 2018

The 5 Branding Errors We're All Making

5 branding mistakes we're all making

Whatever stage your online store is at, I have no doubt that you've either made (or maybe are about to make) at least ONE of these common branding mistakes.

I'm not perfect. I think since I started my business 5 years ago, I've made ALL of these mistakes, and continue to struggle with a few.

On this week's episode of the eCommerce Maven podcast, I'm sharing the 5 branding mistakes that we all make. Yes, we do. No shame here

I focused each branding challenge with an action step, so make sure you grab a pen and notebook, and follow along with the episode.

Have a listen to this week's episode below or grab it on itunes.

In summary, here are the 5 branding errors commonly made in eCommerce:

  1. We assume everyone knows what we do and why
  2. We talk to ourselves, not our dream customer
  3. We price products out of fear, not faith
  4. We don't invest in GOOD visual identity elements 
  5. We lack a consistent, unique brand voice
Which branding mistake are you making? Leave it in the comments!

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