November 26, 2017

How to Go From 5k to 10k in Online Sales

How to go from 5k to 10k in sales

It's not that long ago that my fashion brand was doing a few thousand in sales a month. 

We're on the eve of our 5-year anniversary. And I remember in 2013, thinking it was unfathomable to do $10k in online sales, let alone $100k.

At that time, I was doing a couple of thousand dollars a month in sales, with one particularly low month of $138. :-(

Within a year or so, I'd reached about $10k in a month in sales on average.

And there are several things I did at that level to get there.

On this week's podcast, I'm sharing my top tips for up-leveling your online sales to $10k.

Wishing you much abundance,

Founder @ Retail Bliss
Founder + CEO @ Encircled
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